Residents with a low income are set to benefit from a scheme aimed at tackling fuel poverty and cutting carbon emissions in Redcar & Cleveland.
Redcar & Cleveland Council has successfully bid for nearly £900,000 from the Government’s Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme, which offers homeowners up to £10,000 to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
Domestic heating is one of the main contributors to climate change and costs the average household around £1,254 a year.
From July, households with a gross annual income below £30,000 who also have a low energy-efficient property – with a rating of D, E, F or G – will be able to apply for the full cost of having a range of energy-efficient and low carbon measures installed at home by the council’s delivery partner E.ON. These measures include:
- External wall insulation and loft insulation
- Solar panels
- Double glazing to replace single-glazed windows
- Air source heat pumps
Landlords may also be eligible for up to £5,000 towards improvements at a tenanted property but will be expected to make a financial contribution to the total cost.
The scheme will boost Redcar & Cleveland Council’s ambitious drive to become carbon neutral by 2030, following the declaration of a climate emergency.
Since 2011, significant progress has been made to reduce the council’s carbon emissions by 46% and the borough’s carbon emissions by 40%.
The council has already reduced the borough’s carbon footprint through the replacement of thousands of streetlamps with energy-efficient LEDs, and further measures are planned.
Councillor Steve Kay, Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare, said:
“These energy efficiency improvements are going to create warmer, more comfortable homes for their owners, not to mention making them more affordable to run. It will help to combat fuel poverty in our area and support our community’s efforts to create a greener, more sustainable environment at the same time.”
Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, Cllr. Louise Westbury, added:
“The declaration of a climate emergency cannot be ignored. We have set some challenging targets for our borough and we are determined to achieve them, embedding sustainability and environmentally responsible practices into all areas of council business. This scheme will help us to reduce our carbon footprint further still.”
Residents can apply online by visiting or by emailing with your contact number and a member of the team will be in touch.
Alternatively, call the Green Homes Grant team at E.ON on 0333 202 4820, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.