Our climate is changing and it is now widely accepted that human activities are causing climate change, the scale and pace of which is threatening the future of the planet as a whole.
In 2008, and in response to international agreements on climate change, the UK government introduced the Climate Change Act. This contained the world’s first legally binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; at least 34% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050 against a 1990 baseline. In July 2019, the targets of the Climate Change Act were amended to give a commitment to reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. The Prime Minister made a further commitment in November 2020 to reduce UK carbon emissions by 68% by 2030, representing an acceleration in the pace of change.
In November 2020 the government released a Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. The stated aim of this was to turn the UK into the world’s number one centre for green technology and finance.

"The rate of the global response is increasing and the international framework for action is becoming stronger.In 2008, and in response to international agreements on climate change, the UK introduced the world’s first legally binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."