The good news is that we aren’t starting from scratch. Really strong progress has already been made, with emissions in the borough reducing by 77% between 2005 and 2019. Our area is now a focal point in the UK for the green revolution, so there is much more to come on our journey to net zero.
“Achieving a carbon neutral Redcar and Cleveland will require action by many different organisations in many different areas; It is about collective responsibility."

The internal and external lighting at a number of Council buildings has been upgraded to LED and more effective heating and building management systems have also been installed. A high proportion of smart meters and effective energy management processes have enabled usage and energy wastage to be minimised.

The Council has replaced 5% of its fleet vehicles with fully electric equivalents and is committed
to significantly increasing this now that the operational effectiveness of the vehicles has been established.

We are committed to enhancing our already beautiful natural environment. Between 2014 and 2019 we planted more than 4000 new trees which will have the effect of removing more than half a ton of Co2 from the air in the borough once they reach semi-maturity.

Along with partner local authorities
in the north east, the Council has embarked on the establishment of a £300 million Energy From Waste facility in the borough. This will utilise waste from 1.5 million residents around the north to generate electricity which can be fed back into the grid.